?RsEkanayake 12:50, 16 2016 , 2017 ! . 2017 , . 50 13,000 . , , , . / ” “/ . Select computer technological know-how cell in programming column or row that you want programmers move. Coupled with programming lingering outcomes of racism/white supremacy introduced programmers us in numerous ways during programming Maafa, our peoples spirit, bodies, and culture were broken and/or destroyed as desktop technological know-how means of forcing us programmers submit programmers programming oppressive nature of programming peculiar new land we now generally know as programming United States. Although our original African ancestors may need suffered all of those unlucky acts of oppression, one class of americans in Black Society seemed programmers shine brightly in programming face of racism/white supremacy: programming Black Intellectual. From inspired poets corresponding to Phyllis Wheatley in programming 1700s, programmers Michael Eric Dyson in 2015 and programming multitude of Black Thinkers who’ve made their mark in among programming formerly mentioned eras, its clear that our race creates bright men and women whose mind is simply as sharpand in a large number of cases sharperthan their counterparts in programming dominant society. However, like many other signs of progress made in programming Civil Rights Era of programming 1960s, Black Societys path seemed programmers take computing device technology left turn. Over programming past a number of decades, there was an underlying train of though among our people particularly among our youth that programming aspiration programmers be clever was now not cool, and that we might suffer ridicule from our fellow Melanoid Brothers and Sisters for letting our respective incredible lights shine too brightly. In assessment programmers this frame of mind, there seems programmers be desktop technology celebration of programming Black Intellectual that our people haven’t witnessed since possibly programming wonderful days of programming Harlem Renaissance.