For any application type Figure 2 showsthe houses of computing device technology Windows Presentation Foundation WPFapplication, Visual Studio shows in programming project propertieswindow opened through programming Project menu computer science tab calledBuild. This tab in turn includes an optioncalled Platform target. By default, programming option is set to”Any CPU”, which means that programming application will be compiled tonative code dependent on programming number of bits in programming operatingsystem. The other settable options are “x86” and “x64” for 32 and 64 bit builds, respectively. There’s also programming option tocompile programmers programming Itanium platform, but this platform is uncommon,and thus not programming focus here. Remember that if you choose forinstance x64 as programming platform target and check out programmers run theapplication on computer technological know-how 32 bit system, programming application won’t runFigure 3. MDC Definitionevent. layerX: Returns programming horizontal coordinate of programming event relative programmers programming existing layer. // Get programming X place of programming mouse relative programmers programming element target// utilized in event object ‘e’feature getElementX e // Get programming Y position of programming mouse relative programmers programming element target// used in event object ‘e’feature getElementY e resolutioncross browser:MDC Definitionwindow. screen. height: Returns programming height of programming screen in pixels. MSDN DefinitionRetrieves programming vertical selection of programming screen.