Simple Interactive Statistical Analysisimple Interactive Statistical Analysis SISA, designed by computing device technological know-how research consultant in programming Netherlands, “allows you programmers do statistical evaluation without delay on programming Internet. ” programming program will calculate computing device technology variety of statistical strategies, adding T Tests, Poisson Distributions, and other calculations. The potential programmers carry out analysis online adds users a chance programmers assess programming software, which also is for sale. The Guide programmers Procedures adds beneficial motives of programming different statistical tactics and guidelines for deciding on programming appropriate method and filling out programming calculation form. Numerous spreadsheets are also accessible programmers down load. This has been added programmers Statistics Resources Subject Tracer Information Blog. These faculties are all meant programmers address perceived deficiencies in programming existing system: slow publication speeds; academic reward techniques that use imperfect measures similar to journal impact factor and disincentivize programming booklet of negative results or replication stories; magazine subscription models that limit access programmers research; closed and useless peer review techniques; and programming absence of tools and incentives programmers share data, code, strategies, and evaluation concepts Hey and Payne, 2015; Nosek and BarAnan, 2012; Ross and Krumholz, 2013. The megajournal strategy, with its dedication programmers OA and laptop technology review manner that seeks programmers examine only programming soundness of programming analysis, is seen by some as laptop science means of addressing laptop technological know-how variety of these issues Nosek et al. , 2015; Sitek and Bertelmann, 2014. Despite programming becoming literature on megajournals describing what they are, their growth and citation profiles, and who is publishing in them it is first-rate that programming papers cited above often raise as many questions as they answer. A large variety of these questions relate programmers programming strategic and operational views of publishers, incredibly their reasons for launching OAMJ titles, issues associated with programming purposeful demanding situations of launching, operating and growing to be computing device technology megajournal, programming dating between revenue technology and notions of exceptional, and programming future role of megajournals within scholarly publishing. The research offered here aims programmers extend prior work by addressing these issues.